Consignor Wins — We welcome your high quality secondhand ladies wear for consignment. Once the item is sold, consignor can get a maximum 30% of the selling price as rebate.
Customer Wins — Buy high quality secondhand fashion with reasonable price to promote the recycling of resources. We are devoted to promoting the restyling of secondhand fashion in order to change the public’s consumption habit to act green.
Society Wins — We offer job opportunities to a group of middle-aged women and foster economic sustainability. Training is provided quarterly as we believe potential is unlimited and age should not be a boundary for capability enhancement.
When I say ‘I SECOND’...
- I will reuse secondhand fashion!
- I fully agree and support the concept of ‘REUSE, RESTYLE and EMPOWERMENT’!
寄賣者得益 — 您可將有質素的二手女裝帶往分店寄賣。一經賣出,最多可獲取售價的三成作回饋。
顧客得益 — 以相宜價格選購高質素的二手時裝,推動社會資源循環再用。我們致力推動舊衣潮著文化,期望改變大眾的消費習慣,實踐環保。
社會得益 — 我們為中年婦女提供可持續的就業機會,促進經濟自主。堅持每季一次培訓,因為我們相信潛能無限,能力亦不受年齡所限。
I SECOND 的雙重意義:
- 我.改變穿衣習慣,重用二手時裝!
- 我.支持「時裝重用、環保時尚、婦女自主」!
Social missions of Green Ladies
Green Ladies aims to achieve environmental and social change through fashion reuse and for capability enhancement.
Let your fashion be reborn
Green Ladies is the first social eco enterprise operated by consignment model in Hong Kong. Established in 2008, Green Ladies has been promoting eco-friendly habits and middle-aged ladies employment. Through collection of high quality fashion and accessories, we promote secondhand clothing for sustainable use of resources.
Green shopping experience
In 2011, Green Ladies changed to operate by consignment model, encouraging ladies to become our consignors and let the unworn fashion reborn. Shops act as eco-platforms to highlight the beauty within secondhand fashion and change the general public’s perception towards it.
Try Before You Buy, Think Before You Trash!
Green Ladies 使命
Green Ladies 為香港首間以寄賣模式營運的環保社會企業,於2008年成立,一直以環保及推動中年婦女就業為目標,透過收集優質女士時裝,積極推動及鼓勵二手時裝買賣,使社會資源有效循環再用。
2011年,Green Ladies 以寄賣模式營運,鼓勵女士們成為寄賣者,讓用不著的時裝再生。店舖亦化身環保平台,改變市民對二手時裝的固有印象,讓大眾明白「舊愛仍是美」。
「諗清楚 先好買, 諗清楚 先好同時裝講 Bye Bye」
Earn 1 Eco-point for every item purchased!
Earn double Eco-points on specific days!
Use Eco-points to redeem cash discount & exclusive gifts for free!
Member exclusive discount on specific days!
Register Now! 立即登記成為購物會員!
Existing consignors are automatically become our member, you may skip the registration process
FAQ 常見問題
Do I need to register again if I am already a consignor?
Existing consignors are automatically become our member, you can enjoy the offer of our membership anytime!
Is there any charge for the membership programme?
The membership programme is free of charge.
How long will the membership be valid? When will the points be expired?
會籍有效期為多久? 積分有有效期嗎?
Membership is permanently valid once registered. Eco-point(s) is/are valid for one year from the date of purchase. Unused Points will expire automatically. Example: Point(s) earned on 1 July 2020 is/are valid until 30 June 2021.
會籍有效期是永久生效的。積分有效期為積分存入日起計1年。逾期的積分將自動取消。 例子: 2020年7月1日獲得的積分有效期至2021年6月30日。
How to earn Eco-points?
here to register and provide your registered phone number before payment. One Eco-point will be credited to member account for every item purchased in the following day. All secondhand items contribute to point collection included clothing, shoes, bags and accessories.
此處登記成為購物會員,並於付款前向店員提供登記電話識別。積分以貨品件數計算; 每購買一件貨品可獲得 1 分環保積分 (於購物後第二天存入)。所有二手貨品包括衣物、鞋、袋、飾物都可獲得積分。
When can I receive the point(s) earned? How to check my Eco-point balance?
Eco-point(s) will be credited to the member’s account the following day. You can check the Eco-point balance through below two methods:
- You can login to the online platform, and check the point balance on “Redeem Awards” page
- Point balance will be shown at the bottom of the purchase receipt (only balance of previous calendar day will be shown)
- 您可以登入網上平台,到「換領獎賞」頁面查閱積分結餘
- 購物收據下方會顯示會員積分結餘 (購物收據下方的積分結餘不包括當日消費所得的積分)
How to redeem awards by using my Eco-points?
You can login to the
online platform and go to “Redeem Awards”page to redeem awards (Please check the expiry date). Provide your registered phone number and redemption barcode before payment.
網上平台,到「換領獎賞」頁面兌換獎賞 (請留意有效日期)。於付款前向店員提供登記電話,並提供獎賞條碼作識別。
Can I enjoy member exclusive offers together with other in-store promotions?
Unless specified otherwise, member exclusive offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discounts (Eco-points can be gained).
除另有訂明外,會員優惠不可與其他優惠或折扣同時使用 (可同時獲取環保積分)。
How can I get the latest awards information?
Terms and Condition 條款及細則
Please read the following Terms and Conditions of Green Ladies & Green Little Membership Programme carefully before registration. Your registration of the Membership Programme mean(s) that you have accepted these Terms & Condition and agreed to be bound by them.
登記成為 Green Ladies & Green Little「購物會員」前,請仔細閱讀條款及細則。如果閣下登記成為「購物會員」,即表示同意閣下已閱讀本條款及細則,並且接受和同意受本條款及細則約束。
Membership Registration
- Each telephone number can be registered for one membership account only. Any duplicate applications will not be accepted.
- Members must ensure that all the information provided is authentic, accurate, complete, not misleading and without any elements of fraud.
- Green Ladies & Green Little reserves the right to refuse any application of membership.
- 每個電話號碼只可用作登記一個會員帳戶,重覆登記將不被接納。
- 會員必須確保所提供的會員登記資料全屬真實、正確、完整、沒有誤導及欺詐成份。
- Green Ladies & Green Little有權保留拒絕任何入會申請之權利。
Membership Programme & Award
- One Eco-point will be credited to a member’s account for each item purchased, except plastic bag charge and gift vouchers.
- Eco-point(s) will be credited to the member’s accounts the following day. The Member may check his/her Point balance on the online platform. Only balance of previous calendar day will be shown on the purchase receipt.
- Unless expressly otherwise in writing by Green Ladies & Green Little, member exculsive offers may not be used in conjunction with any other promotions or discounts.
- Points, offers and benefits of the Membership Programme are personal to an individual member and cannot be transferred and/or assigned to any other person.
- We shall not be liable for any loss of points or damage suffered as a result of a technical defect or error that prevents us from retrieving information relating to your point balance from our computer systems.
- Green Ladies & Green Little reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to discontinue an item or to substitute a similar item at any time without notice prior to that item being redeemed. Green Ladies & Green Little provides no guarantee that any particular Rewards will remain available for the entire term of the redemption period.
- 一件貨品可獲取一分購物積分,塑膠購物袋及禮券除外。
- 購物積分會於購物翌日存入會員戶口。會員可登入網上平台查閱積分結餘。購物收據上顯示的積分結餘代表截至購物日前一天的累計積分結餘。
- 除另有訂明外,會員優惠不可與其他優惠或折扣同時使用。
- 會員計劃的積分、獎賞及優惠只屬於該會員擁有,不得轉移及/或轉讓予他人。
- 如因技術問題或錯誤而阻礙我們從電腦系統取回、處理或記錄有關會員的積分結餘的資料,造成任何積分損失或損害,一概不負上責任。
- Green Ladies & Green Little保留權利決定隨時終止提供某件禮品或提供類似禮品作為替代,而毋須於換領獎賞前另行通知。本社企並不保證任何禮品將於換領獎賞有效期內一直保持供應。
English Version Prevails
If there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
General Terms & Conditions
- Green Ladies & Green Little reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
- In any case of dispute, the decision of Green Ladies & Green Little shall be final.
- Green Ladies & Green Little有權更改條款及細則而不作另行通知
- 如有任何爭議 Green Ladies & Green Little 保留最終決定權